Saturday, December 11, 2004
Life is Good

Handle's Messiah is playing in the background, my holiday decorations are up, and I've got a batch of cookies in the oven. The cookies are for the Cookie Exchange Party I'm attending tomorrow. I'm making oatmeal chocolate chip, and I've added lots of pecans. Making cookies today, I was reminded about the time when I used to bake bread every week. I did this for a couple of years. There for a while, I got pretty good at making break. I'd make focaccia, French bread, pumpernickel bread, rye bread. Making bread is amazingly easy. Just slight variations in the same ingredients--wheat, water, yeast, oil--makes for a wide variety of loaves. Back in my bread-making days, I had a food processor that would kneed the dough for me. The food processor is no longer a thing of this world, and I haven't adapted to kneading by hand. Maybe one of these days....

Yes, I have been knitting. Randy's sweater is coming along. Since it is dark navy blue, when I take pictures of my work-in-progress, it looks like little more than an ink smear, so you'll just have to use your imagination. The back and one sleeve is finished, and I've started the second sleeve, so I'm more than half-way there. At this pace, I imagine Christmas Eve I'll need to stay up late to sew the whole thing together and finish the collar. Christmas Eve, all night, last minute, gift completion and wrapping marathons are something of a family tradition.

Actual knitting on Randy's sweater has slowed to a crawl while I rush to finish a project that's got to be mailed in a week. Who is this gift for? My lips are sealed! The picture above is a teeny, tiny hint. Tick Tock! Tick Tock! I better get my needles clicking.


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