Monday, January 16, 2006
Baby Knits

My first finished project for the baby. It's another Wonderful Wallaby sweater, of course. I've knitted four of these sweaters now, three just this past year. After knitting two for my sisters' little ones, I had to make one for mine.
It is way too big for a newborn. I made the smallest size, and it may fit by next winter. Hopefully my kid will be pleasantly plump. I love pudgy babies!
We haven't decided on a name for the baby yet, but once we've picked something, I'd like to duplicate stitch the name onto the pocket. All this baby stuff is just too fun!
Next baby knitting project? Baby socks! I've got lots of leftover sock yarn, so I should be able to make a couple of pairs. Once those are finished, I've got to come up with a plan for a baby blanket. Can't make up my mind on what kind of baby blanket would be best. Should I got for a simple, sturdy blanket that could easily travel to the park or get tumbled in the back of the car with the stroller, diaper bag, and other durables? Or should I go for something delicate and lacy?
I've got three months until the big date, so I definately need to get knitting.